Our Values

We seek to awaken ourselves and our communities to the historical and current realities of how we grow, distribute, cook, eat, and recycle food, and we are committed to exploring future possibilities that challenge these realities. We believe in the critical role of food sovereignty for liberation, and aim to provide ample, accessible opportunities to feed each other often and well.

We prioritise goods, services, activities, and organisational practices that celebrate, embrace, and honour our local Walthamstow community, giving extra care and attention to migrants, refugees, and those who are part of a Global Village. Whenever possible, we choose suppliers, partners, and collaborators based locally and in the UK who share our commitment to serving and invigorating local social bonds and connections.

We value and dignify people, the Earth, and social purpose when we choose how to distribute and use our time and resources. We are committed to collectively learning and practicing mutual aid, participatory governance, interdependence, accountability through transparency, and economic solidarity in our conduct as an organisation.

our mission:
eating and growing together

At Pulse & Pickle, we nourish body and soul with ethical vegan food, fostering a diverse community home that inspires lasting social change.

our vision:
a portal to post-capitalism

As members of Pulse & Pickle, we share the dream of living in a vibrant, joyful village space rooted in food justice, collective care, and radical liberation.

How we engage